Rankings Criteria

I like most movies that I see: When contemplating the best rating system to use I have made the bold decision that the simpler the better. I feel that a 10 point scale or even a five or four point scale is simply too arbitrary. What really makes one movie a 6 and another a 7? Also, if you look at IMDb's rankings, for example, (a 1-10 system) they are totally reactionary and members either give a ten, a seven or a zero/one, if they loved, liked or hated the movie. The threes, fours, and fives seldom get used. So why have them? (Actually, I just found a great comic that sums this up so well, see below.) Thus my rubric is the following simple 3 star ranking system, in increments of one point:

3/3 = Loved It: The film was an overall excellent production, very well made, had special character to it that isn’t necessarily common in other movies.

2/3I Liked It: It was a good/okay movie that I enjoyed watching. Most movies earn a two out of three because I like most movies.

1/3 = I Didn't Like It: and/or it was poorly made.

Before you start freaking out that I'm not using enough points to rank movies, think about how easy it is to use only three. Besides, what I really looking for when I read a movie review is a quick suggestion whether I should see the film or not. In my opinion, it is silly to get caught up in nit-picky half points, so my goal is to jump to the chase.

This cartoon sums it all up. (Cartoon by xkcd: http://xkcd.com/1098/)