I didn't even finish this movie, so I have no idea if the sick girl dies or not before Fraser and Ford find the cure for her disease. And, the thing is, this movie was so poorly written and acted that I just don't really care.
Brendon Fraser is fat and a bad actor and Keri Russell, who was his wife in the film, only plays one note and that gets old. Harrison Ford in this movie is probably much like the actor is in real life: a jerk who spends the entire movie yelling and whining. The plot moves very slowly and the writing was generally quite bottom-of-the-barrel.
After this movie put me to sleep two nights in a row, I decided I wouldn't waste my time trying to finish it. I didn't really want to see it to begin with, please note, but this was one that I had on my computer, having picked it up not knowing what it was. I guess this is what happens when you're bored at night in another country.